425_NEWS.ZIP 137,758 10-25-94 HAM-RADIO 425 DX News. One of the mostaccurate Dx bulletins edited from italianDXers. Weekly bulletin directly on bBS inTrance. -.
93_305.ZIP 7,673 04-14-94 ARRL AD-HOC Committee final report on vanitycallsign proposal. Amateur Radio.
AMNS0410.ZIP 5,485 04-12-92 Pasternak's Amateur Radio Newsline 4-10-92
AMNS0426.ZIP 7,427 04-26-92 Pasternak's Amateur Radio Newsline 4-26-92
AMNS0506.ZIP 6,475 05-10-92 Pasternak's Amateur Radio Newsline 5-06-92
AMNS0517.ZIP 5,616 05-17-92 Amsat News Bulletins As Of 5-17-92
DISH1094.ZIP 21,958 10-09-94 DISH NEWS for October 1994
DXCC.ZIP 21,755 01-10-91 ARRL Countries list as published by ARRL.Includes deleted countries, notes.
DXCCDISK.ZIP 54,335 11-20-91 Arrl Generated Program For Dxcc Award
DXPROP.ZIP 7,119 11-28-92 Dx Propagation For Nov 92 Arrl (Hams) 11-0
EURO0309.ZIP 5,478 03-13-93 EuroNews 03/06/93
GM4AUP.ZIP 6,155 02-26-94 RSGB President GM4AUP speech 02/20/94 to San
HAM0202.ZIP 18,385 05-20-90 A HAM Newsletter
HAMINFO.ZIP 56,154 11-18-91 Various bulletins with Amateur Radioinformation amoung them is the new proposed"No Code" *no morse code* licence availablenow.
HLWV13.ZIP 6,850 08-06-94 Heard Last Week Vol 1 No 3
HLWV14.ZIP 6,260 08-06-94 Heard Last Week Vol 1 No 4
HOD.ZIP 11,769 05-07-94 New Executable To Read Ham On Disk Newsletter
HOD001.ZIP 34,854 02-22-94 HAM ON DISK Vol.1 Iss.1 An Executable/Textmagazine dedicated to the amateur radiooperator. Direction Finding And CWExtravaganza!
HOD002.ZIP 55,507 03-08-94 * HAM ON DISK Vol.1 Iss.2 * AnExecutable/Text magazine dedicated to theamateur radio enthusiast. From Novice to OM.Ham Radio BBS' and Packet Radio this month!
HOD003.ZIP 69,279 03-27-94 * HAM ON DISK Vol.1 Iss.3 * AnExecutable/Text magazine dedicated to theamateur radio enthusiast. From Novice to OM.This Month, HAMS In Space!
HOD004.ZIP 52,425 04-28-94 * HAM ON DISK Vol.1 Iss.4 * AnExecutable/Text magazine dedicated to theamateur radio enthusiast. From Novice to OM.Ham Distribution Net Information Special.
HOD005.ZIP 47,869 05-24-94 * HAM ON DISK Vol.1 Iss.5 * AnExecutable/Text magazine dedicated to theamateur radio enthusiast. From Novice to OM.UPDATED READER SOFTWARE!
HOD006.ZIP 53,187 06-25-94 * HAM ON DISK Vol.1 Iss.6 * AnExecutable/Text magazine dedicated to theamateur radio enthusiast. From Novice to OM.
HOD007.ZIP 57,408 08-18-94 * HAM ON DISK Vol.1 Iss.7 * AnExecutable/Text magazine dedicated to theamateur radio enthusiast. From Novice to OM.Internet "Special" this month!
IH90564.ZIP 5,785 12-29-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 564
IH90565.ZIP 13,871 12-29-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 565
IH90566.ZIP 11,857 12-29-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 566
IH90567.ZIP 14,480 12-29-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 567
IH90568.ZIP 4,487 12-29-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 568
IH90569.ZIP 13,592 12-29-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 569
IH90570.ZIP 13,827 12-29-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 570
IH90571.ZIP 8,058 12-29-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 571
IH90572.ZIP 13,096 12-30-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 572
IH90573.ZIP 8,207 12-31-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 573
IH90574.ZIP 13,776 12-31-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 574
IH90575.ZIP 13,251 12-31-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 575
IH90576.ZIP 10,678 12-31-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 576
IH90577.ZIP 3,074 12-31-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 577
IH90578.ZIP 22,358 12-31-90 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 578
IH90579.ZIP 13,857 01-01-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 579
IH90580.ZIP 6,680 01-01-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 90, number 580
IH91001.ZIP 14,361 01-01-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 91, number 001
IH91002.ZIP 9,552 01-01-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 91, number 002
IH91049.ZIP 10,601 01-13-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 91, number 049
IH91050.ZIP 13,173 01-13-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 91, number 050
IH91051.ZIP 7,780 01-13-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 91, number 051
IH91053.ZIP 11,275 01-13-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 91, number 053
IH91054.ZIP 14,288 01-13-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 91, number 054
IH91055.ZIP 12,396 01-13-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 91, number 055
IH91056.ZIP 20,384 01-13-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 91, number 056
IH91057.ZIP 11,577 01-13-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 91, number 057
IH91058.ZIP 9,952 01-13-91 Info-Hams Digest volume 91, number 058
IH91059.ZIP 11,446 01-13-91 Info-Hams Digest vloume 91, number 059
NEWSLINE.ZIP 103,284 04-17-94 NewsLine Issues - Amateur Radio Informationmagazines.
NSRA-NWS.ZIP 14,623 03-08-93 Electronic edition of the North ShoreRepeater Assoc Newsletter. NSRA is a HamRadio Organization based on the North Shoreof Boston, Ma.
NSRA0693.ZIP 21,724 07-06-93 North Shore Repeater Association NewsletterSum93 Electronic Edition- Boston area HamRadio club newsletter uploaded byeditor/publisher.
NSRA0694.ZIP 15,104 07-04-94 NORTH SHORE REPEATER ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTERElectronic edition- JUNE 94 -Quarterly AwardWinning Amateur Radio Newsletter of the NSRAbased north of Boston. INCLUDES: - List of- The W1GSL Flea Market list - DX News you
NSRA9406.ZIP 15,104 07-04-94 NORTH SHORE REPEATER ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTERElectronic edition- JUNE 94 -Quarterly AwardWinning Amateur Radio Newsletter of the NSRAbased north of Boston. INCLUDES: - List of- The W1GSL Flea Market list - DX News you
NSRANEWS.ZIP 14,497 07-03-92 North Shore Repeater Assoc Newsletter. HamRadio Club Newsletter published quarterly.
NSRA_NWS.ZIP 14,624 03-08-93 Electronic edition of the North ShoreRepeater Assoc Newsletter. NSRA is a HamRadio Organization based on the North Shoreof Boston, Ma.
RE0395.ZIP 385,504 03-10-95 A virtual newsletter being created the Radioforum on GEnie. Requires a PC with SVGAgraphics and a mouse. Of particular interestto ham radio and shortwave fans.
RMOBS.ZIP 11,684 10-14-94 Radio Meteor Observation Bulletins.
RMOBS013.ZIP 5,263 09-14-94 Radio Meteor Shower OBS #013 Sept. 1994
RMOBS014.ZIP 7,601 10-14-94 Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #014October 1994
RMOBS015.ZIP 4,357 11-13-94 Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #015November 1994
RMOBS017.ZIP 7,045 01-11-95 Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #017January 1995
RMOBS018.ZIP 6,555 02-12-95 Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #018February 1995
RMOBS019.ZIP 5,756 03-11-95 Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #019 March1995
RMOBS021.ZIP 5,946 05-08-95 Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #021 May1995
RMOBS022.ZIP 5,200 06-19-95 Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #022 June1995